Our team currently consisting of over thirty permanent employees and literally hundreds of freelancers as well as partner firms in Germany and abroad can translate and interpret for you in about a hundred different languages.
INTERTEXT Fremdsprachendienst e.G. has branches throughout eastern Germany, including in Berlin.
We have more than sixty years’ professional experience in translation and interpreting – so why not harness our expertise to secure your success? Our range of services encompasses numerous languages, specialist fields and text types.
Cooperation between our full-time and external staff enables even large-scale projects to be dealt with quickly and efficiently while maintaining the highest standards of quality. Furthermore, we attach enormous importance to delivering on time – every time. In addition to consulting related specialist literature and technical dictionaries, we also use a wide selection of advanced computer software, meaning we can process orders in a variety of file formats. Moreover, we always do our level best to meet any special requests you may have.
INTERTEXT: Linguistic services to boost your success!